Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Life has no Logic

For some activity to be started needs planning, a very popular anecdote says " Well begun is half done", Well said!, however do we actually stick to this beginning. Often in corporate world people talk about "planning", "strategies", "forecasts", to set out a clear path on achieving an expected goal. Corporate always do have a "mission" , "vision", which are defined by statement and guide these plans.  In individual aspect once has "ambition" which defines their plan and action.

All of the above are  good practices given the variables that define the environment in which one operates.
For e.g. I set my ambition to be owner of 5000 crore group by the age I am 30, my ambition came from the lecture about entrepreneurship in my college days, I was so much inspired by this thought that i set my mind to start my enterprise right out of the college. I have a business family background, my ancestors have been businessman, my grand dad however was a doctorate in biochemistry, but my dad became a first generation entrepreneur, He has successfully build a small business of wholesale of stationeries from a small room and shuttling between 2 cities to make his family ends meet.   
Coming back to me, now I had inspiration from 2 events, influenced by the decision-making prowess of my old man and charisma of the speaker in the entrepreneurship lecture. All was set perfect, there was zeal, there was ambition, there was an idea, there was a plan, there was strategy, contingency plan, mission, vision, and suddenly Sep 11 happened.

Everything crumbled in the environment in which we were about to get started, economy slowed down, recession got boosted, for an engineering graduate the major impact was the campus hires were put on hold. I remember almost 90% of the campus hires were put on hold or rejected positions. People, corporates, industries, government everyone and everybody tightened their purse. However not to say we stopped, in fact we had no alternative but to begin our "business", since we had no option to have any job either. If I could share my heart, the moment we heard the news of the attack, we went into a state of shock as if someone has dropped the bomb just beside us, or someone has actually blown out our college building.
However the plan, the forecasts, the execution plan, everything went back to the drawing board due to change in circumstances. Various analyst predicted different outcomes on how long the recession would hold, what would be USA's stand, how would the economy be revived, some pundits blamed US to architect the attack to boost the failing economy, I never believed in that, US is a great country with very able judiciary system in place.

That was the first time i said to myself "LIFE HAS NO LOGIC",

Do not take me as a pessimist when I say that, though the thought began with some grave feelings, "Life has no logic", is something i refer to reset and reset and reset the approach or the plan we have made given the known variables.

Over the years this has proven to me time and again in many examples, in personal life, in professional life, looking at someone else life etc.

Logic as defined by the Oxford dictionary is a noun which is "reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity" or " system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a computer or electronic device so as to perform a specified task".

Life as defined with a context I am referring to is "the existence of an individual human being or animal"

I did not realize this thought untill i started connecting the two definitions above in the plans i laid out to myself.
It will be a beautiful experience to think the following, " what is my existence", many of us have in happy times, or bad times, in struggle, in challenge must have said " What life is this". Are we not referring to our existence, our existence defined in that moment, that period of our joy or struggle. If it is a period of joy, we say "what a life", holding the glass of wine, or "what life", with a bottle of rum. Consciously or unconsciously we know that life or our existence is for a very short-lived period and is as long as the variables in the system that we operate don't change.

When I sat lonely in times, i always questioned, why am I born, what is my destiny, many of us who are philanthropist, social workers think, why is the person born in such a poor family, why is not every one with equal social status, with equal wealth, why is there so much inequality in the society , world etc.
I was once driving back from my office and at a very congested traffic signal had to stop for almost 15 mins, In desperation i started abusing the government, the police, the policy, and started cribbing about how much tax we pay to the government and what a miserable life i am. just beside me was a traffic volunteer (those who assist traffic cop in managing traffic but have no authority to penalize), We started discussion about the situation we are in and how much difficult is survive in the current scenario. I was amazed to learn that the cops monthly income is not more that Indian Rupees 2500, though he is entitled to get about 5000, half of this is taken by the contractor who has provided job. I on the other hand with a well to do income have the same complain that he has!!,

This instance changed my perspective towards the life, not that i stopped cribbing against the government, but i reduced cribbing about my life, what i learnt that day is "life", is our existence in certain period of time defined by the variables of the system/environment in which i am, to simplify, my life is I am an engineering graduate, working with an IT firm, driving a car, living in flat, have educated people around me, and have good income, still use a credit card. living life in joy and sorrow.  On the other hand, the cop's life is , He has an unstable job, drives a bi-cycle, borrows money from friends and relatives, however goes home in the night and lives his life in joy and sorrow. I don't say that this is equality or a fair comparison. I am thankful to God for what he gave me, however my life is defined by the environment i am in and his life is defined by environment he is in. but how long will this definition stand.

Like Sep 11 WTC attack, Like Lehman Brothers which are major change in definition of the environment, we come across many small changes happening every day in our existence which change the plan, strategies, forecasts, our understanding about the action we are about to take.

To make a plan, have a strategy, is important, Having an ambition, having a mission and vision in life or a reason for existence is extremely important to define the action and future course.

But it might not be obvious , we do take decisions based upon the latest information which has altered in time, for the most of them who have reach their ambition i firmly believe that they had let go of any logic associated to the life and have played with the new set of rules, variables, system in which they were currently set.

Hence it is very important to reset and reset and reset since Life has no Logic.


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